Anxiety and Depression

2226525003It’s a daily battle.

You wake up each morning and know that it’s going to be the same stuff to deal with, just a different day.

Maybe it’s the boss who is on you about a deadline, an event you are hosting or a conversation you know you have to have with a friend. Regardless of the cause, the anxiety and worry are still there.

Sometimes you worry so much it’s debilitating. You’re constantly playing the worst-case scenario over and over in your head. It feels like anxiety runs your days, which is where the feelings of depression come in.

You get so consumed with anxiety that it prevents you from enjoying the rest of your life.

Can you escape it?

It feels like you’re in a never-ending cycle you don’t know how to overcome.

You’ve tried different things, but nothing seems to help for more than a few days. During the best weeks, the depression and anxiety seem to subside, but it never lasts too long.

Something happens that causes you to feel edgy, tense, worried and out of control.

It’s not only emotional. Sometimes those feelings interfere with your sleep.

536043058There is another way to live.

There are things you can do to get out of the fog of anxiety and depression. The first step is deciding that you don’t have to go through this alone.

Friends and family are great support systems, but there is something different about confiding in a person who is not involved in your daily life.

While starting therapy can be intimidating, it can also be an enriching experience by providing a chance to learn about your anxiety and depression so you can take back power over them. Therapy offers an opportunity to discover what is holding you back so you can finally move forward and live the life you deserve.

Escape the daily battle with anxiety and depression. Let’s work together as you discover a different way to live – a life free from those stressors.